Young girl spends 3 years at IGMH ICU......and counting

Sunday, February 10, 2008

This was a case that we stumbled upon when Shizu was investigating Sharaf's story about little Mishka.

A 20 year old young Maldivian girl will soon be marking 3 years of stay at IGMH ICU. This is in contrast to the many cases that reach ICU for their last rites. We at MMW find this young girls story a unique one that we feel must be shared. We will call her Aish, not her real name.

Aisha was reportedly admitted to IGMH about 3 years ago with a medical condition that caused progressive paralysis of her muscles that led to an inability to breathe on her own. Since admission to ICU she has remained on artificial mechanical respirators to breathe and stay alive. Her doctors and family realize that her condition is probably beyond medical cure and that she will need the same kind of care for the rest of her life. It is hard for any person with an able body to comprehend what it would be like to be unable to move a single muscle in their body. For Aisha, who was a very able and active young girl in her hay days, this must be terribly difficult. When most medical and allied health services have given up on her making a miraculous recovery, Aisha fights on. She has been able to do that with a lot of help along the way, but nonetheless she has done that, and is doing that as you read this.

Unlike most of our reports this story has a very strong positive side to it. One that we decided we will not ignore. The survival of this young girl is a true tribute to the dedication and commitment of her care givers. That will be the IGMH ICU nurses and the doctors of the Internal Medicine department who take pride in looking after her. It goes without saying, someone who has been on artificial mechanical respirator would have had several complications along the way. Aisha has had her fair share of them. She has however been strong enough, and the help she received from her carers good enough to see her through them. We have decided not to dwell on the negatives surrounding her medical condition, that would be something we would leave for some other time, perhaps on a different case. However, if you believe this story is all good, we would caution you on making that assumption far too easily.

Aisha's room in the ICU is very different from the rest of the rooms at IGMH ICU. She has ornaments hanging from the ceiling, has cable TV well placed for her to see, even if she can't move her head. Her personal, private ICU room is indeed very cozy. She clearly deserve all this and perhaps more. We are all for it.

IGMH ICU is a small ICU. It has 8 beds in 6 cubicles. We hear of several patients being moved in too late to ICU because time had taken to get the bed vacant. We also hear of patients being moved out of ICU far too quickly than the treating doctor would prefer. These are all constraints from having to manage an increasing patient number in a limited bed capacity ICU.

We at MMW believe that an ICU expansion and extension at IGMH has been over due for at least 15 years. We were dumbstruck when about a year ago IGMH built a waiting area just adjacent to the ICU without using that space for extension of the overcrowded ICU. We are sure that most clinicians at IGMH would have felt the same. The delay in initiating an extension has probably cost the Maldivian people many lives that could potentially have been saved had an ICU bed been available. Sharaf may not have had to endure the agony of loosing little Mishka.

Aisha does deserve the best care available. Could IGMH provide that care outside of the crowded ICU? They probably could. Aisha needs to be able to interact with her loved ones and experience more than the ICU environment, a place that is traditionally crawling with bacteria of all sorts. Real nasty ones too. In the ICU she gets mechanical artificial respirators to give her breaths, this could be given in a special private room if the power supply and gas supply connections are available. She would need close nursing care; this could be provided by having a shift nurse in the room. Most of her nursing care currently revolves around keeping her clean, giving her medications, moving her position to prevent bed sores and giving her feeds. We believe that this could be delivered even in a private room like those they have in the executive private ward. So why not? Why not free up ONE ICU bed? Why not remove Aisha from a location that harbors disease causing bacteria that could arrest her chances of a miracle recovery? Why not allow her to be in a place where her family could spend time with her at their will?

Will freeing ONE bed from ICU mean anything? It probably could mean a lot. It would mean an increase in available bed capacity of over 10%!

Will such a move be resisted by her family? Well the safety of being cared for by the same people who have kept her alive for this long maybe something the parents would fear of losing.

How about the cost of keeping Aisha in ICU? We know that government chips in at times to pay her hospital bills, but the true cost of keeping her in ICU would be a lot more than that. Would perhaps the cost be less in a modified room?

We propose that IGMH admin considers moving Aisha, to a dedicated room outside of ICU where she could be guaranteed the same level of care that she currently needs, she really does not need intensive care right now.

Increasing bed capacity by 1 bed would be too little to make a realistic impact. We believe that MoH and IGMH should consider expanding the ICU to at least double its current capacity and also provide for a place to care for cases like Aisha and those who are being down-graded from intensive care.

We wish Aisha a miraculous recovery. We wish her family all the best and hope that their prayers would be answered.


Shafraz said...

oh god..
god help her..wish Aisha a miraculous recovery n wish her family all the best and hope that their prayers would be answered.

Anonymous said...

ICU is cheaper than a private room...

Anonymous said...

I beleive what the MMW is proposing is unrealistic and superficial and unlike their other observations, smell of lack of medical knowledge.

The nurses in ICU are ICU trained and it want be the same as a routine nurse on duty in a private room. I hope the author undersatnds the intricasies involved in ventilator management. And shift duty means atleast 3 nurses have to be scrificed for one patient, thats providing none of them takes leave. I wonder with the present salaries how cheap this would turn out to be.

The purpose of visitor restriction in ICU is to minimize infection. I fail to see how this could be achieved in a private room with free flow of visitors.

And keeping her in a private room still would mean moving out the ventilators and the monitors and as IGMH do not have spares this will effectively make the vacated ICU bed less then effective. Obviouly a bed in ICU does not merily refer to the physical location of the bed.

I hope u guys are not having any bias towards other departments casue this is the second time that you have mentioned medicine department favourably while belittling the other departmeents. Having saiod this I comment the doctors and the care givers who had kept going without giving up on her. Well done

U are right, we need more ICU beds. But it does not mean that we make dedicated rooms for all requiring ICU care. Lets not loose focus, lets fight for more ICU beds. Amen

Anonymous said...

PS. Lets keep a silent prayer for this girl. I wish her a full recovery. Amen

Anonymous said...

Well Its not the internal medicine doctors who are taking care of this girl but the icu nurses,if u check her file what the internal medicine doctor comes and writes is CST continue the same medication,well Dr Yassir Dr latheef are paid for not seeing any pts they dont even bother to take rounds,for any pt admitted under them untill a VIP so they can do some ass licking,well if any pt gets admitted in ICU only allah saves them and God protect us from Ali Latheef and Yasir.

Anonymous said...

if what we hear is correct IGMH is in the procecess of developing a six bed CCU.Final drawings are been done and constriction should start soon. This should make available ICU beds for other cases.
I also agree with what virion has said.Managing ventilators and vntilated patients requires special skills and knowledge.Simply putting required equipments in a room is not enough. If put in a room also, the environment should remain as it is in a ICU. No visitors, dedicated and competent staff round the clock.I have a question in Aishas' case. Is is the internal medicine doctors are really taking care of this unofrtunate girl. Definitely the doctors who puts patients to sleep will be very much involved in managing such a case. Give the credit of taking very good care of this girl to this specialist doctors and the medical officers and the deicated nursing staff who has been keeping the girl bedsore free and very healthy

Anonymous said...

This case also highlights a very important fact. This patient does not require special medical care.She only requires proper management of her ventilatory support.Thus it tells us that if doctors do their job well patients in most cases will leave the hospital smiling. We the supportive staff are doing our job well. Its very unfortunate that the incahrge of internal medicine department (Dr.Ali Lathyf)is so irresponsible. we see that in the wards that he sends dr.bagat to see his patients.

Maldiveshealth said...

I was referring to this case when i commented on Mishkas story. Why special preference? Every single life is important. Not only Aisha's.

Kudos to the nurses. From my personal experience, I think Maldivian nurses, at least majority of them, are very professional and committed. To keep someone in a vegetative state alive without bedsores or major complications is commendable.

To virion, if MMW is suggesting is unrealsitic ..all other developed countries would be keeping cases like aishas in ICUs. Infact cases like Aishas do not even remain in hospital environments but they go to specialised care centres. May be it is time that maldives also has specialised care centres.

On a different note ... I feel that she is better dead than alive. At least other lives who has a chance of living a "normal" life could be saved using the bed.

Maldiveshealth said...

Simon is the one who told me about this case first. Why so special treatment given to this girl.? He asked me .. I still don't know why? May be someone could enlighten me on this?

Is is because the internal medicine department have a higher say on things? Are they more powerful? Or is the patient so special.. that she is related to the regime? All questions which needs answers i guess.

Maldiveshealth said...

Of this is the way all patients are treated and cared and if all patients are considered this special we will not have anything bad to say about IGMH.

and i think it is high time that MMW broaden the focus on the system rather than a specific instiute. Is it a fault of the system or an institution?

Anonymous said...

clearly some comments here are designed to defame doctors and crown nurses....foolhardy to think that aisha is fearing well because only the nurses are competent, and dr.latheef doesn't do anything heh...its understabdable that nurses want to feel special, specially since they find it intimidating that doctors have the higher say on all matters medical..pathetic

and as usual aisha is being attacked by our self righteous pundits, because she MAY related to maumoon, she maybe receving an unfiar special treatment(lets forget that she is bed ridden and paralysed fr life)...IF she was not given this treatment, then also igmh wud have been under the micrscope for being such heartless dogs who don't give a damn about its severely ill..

and since this country dsnt hv special nursing homes, or highly trained private auxiliary nurses, igmh and MOH has had to bear the burden of caring fr aisha(without any complaints i might add!)

amazing how minimalistic and uniocular some peoples thinking can be...

wot virion has said is correct

and MMW, a fair article all in all.

Anonymous said...

Both doctors and nurses are integral part of the healthcare system; each however needs to know its place.

kudos to both for keeping aisha relatively healthy

Anonymous said...

Maldives Health:" I feel that she is better dead than alive. At least other lives who has a chance of living a "normal" life could be saved using the bed."

I hope that u never become my doctor when I am sick and in need. Infact with your attitude I hope that really dont belong to the medical profession. I have heard of someone who thinks that way. The world calls him Hitler.

We dont even know what disease she is suffering from and you have already written her off for good. For all we know she may be suffering from some thing like GB syndrome where full recovery is possible and even likely.

I want to put you to the acid test by which all doctors should judge patients. Would you wish the same thing for your mother or your sister?

Anonymous said...

well internal medicine doctors ali latheef and yasir well they dont even see this pt in Icu and never examine her,well they dont know anything about ventilators ,They dont even have a updated CPR training.And they will accompany our president God Save our President.And recently DR Sameer only doctor in Igmh trained in emergency medicine and who worked in Apollo Hospital and now was working in the internal medicine department was terminated becuz he refused to be bullied by dr latheef and he worked for pts and not his consultants.Well all doctors married to local girls work in ADK except DR Firdous becuz they cant touch him,Dr solih ,yasser ,Fathima ,latheef operate like a gang,if all the good doctors are removed and they hire inexperience doctors to work in Er and Internal medicine and and on top of it they themselves dont see pts imagine whats happening in IGMH.

Anonymous said...

Isee that a lot of resentment that some nurses hide, is finally resurfacing here...unfortunate

What you see is that dr.latheef dsnt com in everyday and see how she is doing?...TAT is your far as he is concerned he will be aware of the natural course of the disease, its prognosis, when and whether active intervention is required from the physician...till then it is the duty of the nurses to ensure she is kept comfortable, that bed sores are kept controlled, tat appropriate physio is given, that her hydration and parenteral nutrition is maintained...this is the nurses job, wot the doctor does is oversight; he needs to be kept updated while he attends to that which requires his attention NOW.

Nurses are taught theses practical aspects, while little in the way of medical concepts or the intricacies of management modalities; theoretically they may all touch on this, but no way to the extent doctors train...this is why often they tend to speculate, from a distance, wot the doctor is doing or not doing, and having no clue as to the underlying basis, they go and 'gossip'..

no ill intended to the fantastic job most nurses are doing, esp compared to neighbouring countries, out girls in white are angels..most of them :), but them being in the dark(allegorically) with respect to the above mentioned this sort of confusion arises.

Anonymous said...

Well u mean to say that in all wetern countries the doctors dont even come to bedside and examine the pts and nurses have to make round in ICU and then inform the concerned doctor,well thats what u mean,then its sad becuz its doctors who responsible for the pts and nurses follow orders and care .so if doctors are not seeing the pts then nurses are doing their own thing according to their training.

Anonymous said...

this is a chronically ill terminally bed ridden patient, thrz no point in the doctor being their by her side, while thr are nurses assigned to that task.

lets not confuse the public here as well.

Maldiveshealth said...


I have answered your question even before u asked it in another area of this blog.If even the most of my loved ones has to be in that situation i would gladly take them off the vent.I wont be selfish enough to hold on to the beds that are so much in need by so many people. As i said before, if such a thing could not be carried out in Maldives i would have taken my loved one out to a country like Netherlands's where the life could be ended peacefully without any more sufferings.

But it seems that In Maldives it is usually a one way ticket to the coffin if some one is in a stage like that. This case of Aisha is certainly turning out to be something special.

Maldiveshealth said...

people who know me so far who has been following my blog from the beginning will know and how i make my judgenement and based up on what i make my judgements .

Anonymous said...

Good to see some nursing vocalizing here. :) Makes me very happy.

Anonymous said...

listen here, euthanasia is matter of debate all over the world...MH if its ur "opinion", then its fine.

but for now, it stays that opinion

Anonymous said...

where ever nurses are present, their specialness will be blowing in the air. Because they are special and it can be seen here.

Anonymous said...

say wot? heh

Anonymous said...

As if nurses don't have matters that require attention NOW.

Anonymous said...

Well even if the pt is ill the doctor has to come to bedside examine her and look at the labs and the ventilator so u mean a sick pt should not be seen by a doctor.

Anonymous said...

I have even told my family members that if i become vegetative , not to keep me suffering. I have told them that my organs should be used in a way which benefits others. At least in that way my family can eel my heart beating in another person when they hug them even if i am not there. They can talk to them even if i cant.

I am about to make it legal as well. I am going to write it up so that no confusion arises if i become vegetative.

There has been a case where some one write as a tottoo on their body " DNR" meaning do not rescucitate and it became a controversial topic among many medial ethicists around the world.

I don't intend to give away any room for any such confusion. I want my body to be used by other people.

Anonymous said...

The nurses in ICU in charge of aisha care..that is the attention required of THEM, NOW

wot a load of if aish has ben kept alive n well miraculously without the intervention of any doctor..quite imbecile rocks som are dho

Anonymous said...

Even ICU nurses may have other important clinical tasks that may require their attention NOW.

Anonymous said...

ICU nurses assigned to aisha are thr fr a attend to AISHA NOW

DONT PLAY STUPID NURSE..if u want to call ur BF go do it aftr duty.

Anonymous said...

we hav here a nurse advocating that a patient in ICU be killed becos they need the bed for other patients, claiming that thos nurses asigned to aish hav more pressing matters that require their attention NOW, lik calling BF/GF or changing tampon, or spendin whole day infront of the comp inciting hate against docs ans soceity in general- all becos they hv to wear that 'cute' white nurses cap, which som perceive as stupid.

Anonymous said...

Thank u for stating the cap issue here. It looks like my message is getting through.

Anonymous said...

Angel, I am curious , what comprises an updated CPR training. The last guidelines was published in 2005 and it refers mostly to paramedics. To imply an Internal medicine doctor do not know CPR is ridiculous. Just a thought.... No offence

Anonymous said...

I think Aisha herself dont want to be moved out of ICU, she is happy there, and the nurses are doing great job, 3 yrs not even one single bedsore, the nurses the doctors who are incharge, the administration has to be applauded, rather than making so much fuss about the issue, Investigations must have been done, and GB syndrome must have been excluded for her, and since many visiting neurolgists and other specialists, physicians, must have seen her, and since she has family history of the same, viron's suggestion of not coming to a diagnosis in case of this girl is baseless. As far as expanding ICU, in the adjoining area, ICU cannot be expanded simply like that, it has to be planned, and infection contol survey should be done, and ventilators should be brought, ICU nurse ratio has to be increased, all this will be done. As we have seen progress in health care system of IGMH, under the guidance of a very eligible person, I give most of the credit for this to Dr.Solih.
Its equally important to give space and place for the relatives of ICU and opposite there is operation theater, and the corridor is narrow, so give space for them also. Just increasing ICU beds will not take care of things.

Anonymous said...

Venus, who are u to conclude that Aish wants to be happily there?

Anonymous said...

give credit to fucking solih? the arsehole!

what admin, they are a buch of lunatics. the men are ass lickers, the bitch is a whore.

give the fucking credit to the girl, the nurses and the few doctors who do take care of the case.

the fucking expansion of ICU is long overdue. solih and his dick sucking morons in the admin are useless other than for firey to stick his dick into their holes.

Anonymous said...

shud we even consider this "MF" comments??..we all kno his type

as for last anonymous- who are YOU to happily conclude she dsnt want to stay thr....quite the irony isnt it, som nurses wanting to throw her out, coz it means extra shift duty for them...this attitude is not healthy

and "MF" stay the fok out of here, ur obviously a loon hu dsnt kno shit about anything to do with this issue here, hu dsnt kno shit, hu is full of shit, get a life moron

Anonymous said...

That is exactly what i meant. Who are we to know whether she wants to be there?

Anonymous said...

wat the fucking..mother fucking..together fucking...maybe the first word u thought was fucking...wat the fuck fucking ass are u..
pls mind your language here!!

Anonymous said...

mee haadha interesting blog akah vejje...
in one day 30 comments and it started with a girl in ICU for a chronic illness..turmoiled an argument between nurses and doctors with a growing frustration and now the language problem ..the hatred towards the admin..wat wud this become of??....was this your aim MMW???if so i think this is worthless

Anonymous said...

I highly advice comment moderation as there is a mullah doctor who has extremist thinking rampaging other blogs as well.

Anonymous said...

venus, thanks for clearing things up for me. I was just commenting becasue MMW had not commented on a diagnosis and had not mention the family history of similar disease.

MMW you would do well to prune some obsenities from comments to keep this blog healthy and readable. Let this be a healthy discussion forum and not the ravings of a madman.

Anonymous said...

2005? check it again.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Virion,the registrars and consultants in internal medicine dont have the basic certification from any standard body like the american heart association,Well if yassir wants a certicate he can just print and write for himself one,the only doctor who is well trained and is a instructor is Dr azeez and the only one with a european qualification MRCP,they rest have studied in Nepal,so u can know the standard,after finishing they come to IGMH and take responsibilty of the pt by becoming registrar without any supervision in other countries they will be registrar but under supervision .What the internal medicine doctors do is symptomatic treatmant they cant diagnose anything except few common things.IF u have low salt in ur body they will give u 6grams of salt three times a day and if by luck u are under dr Bhagaht u will eat more tablets then food.

Anonymous said...

Angel is right the only good doctor in igmh now is DR Ram he worked in the USA for so many years,now he is here becauz it was very stressfull there,all the doctors from internal medicine and ER go on rounds with him ,Ali latheef is head but no body wants to go with him becuz the knowledge of him and medical officer is the same and some of them are even better then him,recently he had fight with a good doctor called sameer becuz he was so jealous of him,Ali latheef liked this girl from medical department Hathima and dr sameer took her out on new yr and they have an affair so ali found out and wanted to do something to him so in a meeting he provoked dr sameer and told him ,that he will be kicked out of maldives for which sameer told him Fuck u.Well both are married and both should be loyal to their wives and ali is old at least he should have some shame and not chase a 23 yr old girl.I hope this Gang dont get rid of dr ram as they did with sameer becuz anyone better then them is out.

Anonymous said...

new blog

Anonymous said...


Did Dr Azeez really finish his MRCP? Even if he did, he would not have been considered as a consultant in UK. The reason why he can practice as a senior consultant in Maldives is any body's guess.

MRCP is not a specialist degree but a postgraduate diploma.

Anyway, almost all the physicians who did training in Nepal do a much better job than Dr Azeez.

Dr Azeez, being the deputy health minister has a lot to answer for, regarding the state of health care in this country. While over the past few years, health ministers have changed, their deputy has not. And given the academic backgrounds of his superiors, the logical conclusion is that his opinion must count a great deal over policy matters.

Anonymous said...

Well DR Azeez did complete his MRCP,and in uk they dont have MD and this is equlvalent to MD,and ur nepal MD doctors will not be given any job outside maldives and even have to work as residents in many countries ,and in middle east,uk malaysia singapore only MRCP works,check their websites ,well some doctors from nepal are good but just after finishing they cant be managing pts all by themselves. Mrcp doctors work as physcians in the uk before they can go for super speaclization.And most OF IGMH internal medicine doctors cannot even pass a plab exam forget about MRCP my freind.

Anonymous said...

How many have tried those exams and failed?

Anonymous said...

Well u become consultant only after u have completed some yrs after ur qualification provided u have postgraduate degree or a equilvalent,why does no MRCP doctor comes to maldives and works becuz they are in high demand abroad and paid more so that expalins everything,its good that DR Azeez is over here in maldives.

Anonymous said...

well ur internal medicine doctors have given a nepali Exam and we all know how they are conducted they cannot pass MRCP untill they really good and pls go to any top hospital website in singapore/srilanka/dubai and see the doctors there mostly have MRCP.

Anonymous said...

I wonder where this discussion is leading us.

Indian doctors, numbering more than 35,000, constitute over five percent of all physicians in America.... I winder how many of them had MRCP/MRCS. Similar situation in UK too. The grass is always greener on the other side. The best doctors in the world are asian trained and do not have MRCP.

The degree does not make a good doctor other wise all MRCP doctors would be equally good. What makes one stand out is his dedication and clinical acumen.

Keeping aside the bailities of our doctors one should not be too biased about all things western. After all western doctors heavily depend on technology and do not get half the experience asian trained doctors get and are like fish out of water when practsing without their beloved machines. All medical litrature would verify this.

Just becasue our doctors leave somethings to be decided, we cannot fault their educational establishments.

Angel, to my knowledge American Heart Association does not certify doctors.

Our doctors may be better then doctors who had worked and left US just becasue they cannot take the stress there. U mena to say medical in Maldives is stress free.....?? And whi knows why they left US. Reminds me of a doctor long back who was parctising here after leaving Saudi becasue he was wanted there...He was finally deported form Maldives too.

Anonymous said...

What? And the public didnt know abut this saudi fellow.

This is what i am saying. If people expect others to trust in the system it has to be open.

Anonymous said...

Well any doctor who wants to work in usa/uk//canada and all europe have to pass local examinations,then only they can practice no matter they are indian they have to attain their standard and for uk u have to give plab and for us usmle,and western doctors are mor e clinical oreinted and ask for tests only to confirm diagnosis or to help them reach a diagnosis based on their clinical judgement.In IGMH doctors treat the labs and machines not the pt because they dont know anything ask for all sorts of tests.And even then cant treat in the right way.For exampls if they see low sodium they give pts 6 gram of salt three times a day without atcually knowing why its low and treat the primary cause.Only Dr Ram knows what is he doing.Well If dr yasser/latheef/bhaghat were to work in a western country they would loose their license,well inidan surgeons are good becuase the practice on so many poor pts in inida and nobody cares if they die or live so they practice and practice and become good.Well these doctors are lucky they are born in maldives and work here otherwise they would know what medicine is they can pass only nepali exams the real thing they cant like USMLE/PLAB/MRCP/CANADIAN BOARD/AUSTRALIAN BOARD well i pity poor people in maldives.

Anonymous said...

O love this blog. What a difference a blog can make.

Anonymous said...

Its PLEB and not Plab which stands for physician lisence examination board which is a lisencing board and strives to horner the skills of the doctor to suit their way of medicine and culture. Its really not a measure of medical knowledge. There are many junior doctors, some of them garduating from Nepal who had already passed PLEB. Does that mean they are better then all the specialists.. Common give me a break

Anonymous said...

Virion its PLAB AND not PLEB go use google and check out well,and the doctors who passed plab and worked in uk in internal medicine are of course better then the internal medicine doctors in IGMH.Even if they are nepali .Professional and Linguistic assessments Board Test (PLAB) .This is the correct meaning pls check ur facts before u shoot.

Anonymous said...

Angel, I stand corrected. But as the name (Professional and Linguistic assessments Board Test -PLAB) suggests this has to do with more then a just a medical degree. I am sure u will agree and passing PLAB do not make them any better doctors.

Anonymous said...

hellooo... whats this PLAB become so interesting??? well no point arguing.. there are maldivian junior odcs who have cleared PLAB exams with flying colours.. would u recognize any of them if u met them in the hospital.. i doubt that..would you give them credit? of course we were born in maldives...and unfortunately had to study in those places where u think the degrees dont mean anything.. but obviously they must have thought us soemthing there for us to sit the exams and clear at the very top...what i am trying to say is the PLAB or MRCP is just an exam.. it doesnt make a doctor good or bad..

Anonymous said...

well said anonymous, I couldnt agree more

Anonymous said...

Well PLAB is just a licensing exam.My point is the doctors who studied abroad in nepal or any were else come and become registrars without any supervison no were such kind of thing happens just becuz u study three years of MD u are not trained to handle cases by yourself without supervision of a senoir consultant but in IGMH the new registrars think they know everything,in india for instance no body in the top or good hospitals would let them admit pts under their name.Dr Ali Latheef has become a consultant along with yassir but their knowledge is that of a senior medical officer or sometimes even worse.And i work in IGMH i know which doctor has passed what exam.Well u are born in maldives and very lucky that the president sents u aborad to study at the government expense but what DO to these doctors latheef and yaser do they dont see the pts who are on welfare,the just visit VIP pts.And dont have any medical ethics.So the government should have tight regulations for this guys becuz the people are so fed up that whenever free and fair elections are held becuz of these people the present government may suffer at the hands of the people.

Maldiveshealth said...

Everyone can judge for themselves the sorry state our health care personnel are in.

Anonymous said...

Maldiveshealth how come u have never brought this issue that the project co-ordinator of Er is Fresh MBBS Graduate DR Zebya,who also was responsible for death of 40 day old baby of the nurse who works in surgical department sister Hawaa.Well This doctor Zebya is responsible for our contries emergency department who has never worked just finished her internship,or is it she is very very cose to DR solih thats why runnning the ER ,recently this dr and others were send to singapore on public expense to learn traige,but they took their husbands along and when they came back from singapore some one else is doing traige,well if the ER is in such a state u can imagine the rest.Fathimath didi is radiologist without qualifictaion or proper training and now we have Zebya runnning the ER is it becuz Dr solih is Womaniser.

Anonymous said...

Dr Ram isnt a good doctor that he is being portraited. And sad to say, only someone who can pronounce , yasir as Yasser is always in favour of Ram, I guess this is Ram himself trying to show off.
Well the Maldivian physicians are no less, though most of them are educated in asia. They gets hands on patient managment, while studying in these asian institutes, rather than someon who comes from uk, or US.

so whoever trying to malign our doctors stop doing it, still if a maldivian doctor is in OPD all will show to them, not to you people. Cause they will take care of their ppl, more than some indian stupid doctor, who comes here to work for money.. money is the only thing on their heads.

Anonymous said...

hey angel.. are those the only docs u know.. u seem to have been treated quite badly in the medical ward.. i know IGMH too and know there are things to be improved. never say it is a perfect who are these consultants under whose supervision they r supposed to work??? raazee? azee? or maybe hameed heheh.. if u know so much abt medical ward then u will know better... or maybe u can go around for supervision of them.. and we werent lucky.. we worked hard to get schols and had to work even ahrder after that...

Anonymous said...

Well i think this blog belongs to medical department anything u write against them all keep on defending there is something fishy here,well some doctors study on public funds thats ok but they should come back and serve the community thats my point and some doctors like yaseer and latheef dont do a proper job they are after money and always attend private practice is it fair?well many indian doctors work for our country because we need them and trust me if u dont need them they would not be here,and many doctors within the first yr leave IGMH well guess they left money and went such a stupid thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Dr AZEEZ/RAZEE these are the people who are senior and have the right qualification /exp and are in the medical department they can supervise these doctors.Well all the departments in IGMH are organized except internal medicine.
This department is linked to all other departments for one reason or the other.Dr nazeem should be made the Head becuz he sees all his pts or DR shiham.Latheef/yasir should be send to Addu after they get some ass kicking there they will be ok.

Anonymous said...

DR RAM is the best doctor right now in maldives just go and ask anyone in IGMH ,The pt in ICU the case which was posted here of the mother and her baby,well that mother is taken care of by Dr Ram ,her hb was only 3,and u guys posted on the web internal medicine team what team u talking about???

Anonymous said...

Well Indian or Maldivian they should work with medical ethics,and care for the pts,well if u go to CEO office and check which doctors are getting paid most for the overtime and they are not even doing it ,u will know who is after money.

Anonymous said...

Well.. well.. well... Seeing the "Rise of the White Angels" was amusing.

Baseless accusations, pointing fingers, mentioning names had been done already in these comments. But there are some rigid statements, facts and reality too.

Now that the confrontation had helped produce a good discussion, lets both stethoscopes and white-angels come into terms that no matter what, you both still have to work together for the common good.

Going to the case of Aisha, even though Nurses are meant to take good care and although Doctors do trust that they will, Doctors should take time and visit these patients.

btw, MMW should moderate some comments. Use ** for our children's sake will ya!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow THE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, person.. claps for you :)

Anonymous said...

Some of us have really been insensitive in thos case and hats of to the capital letter guy for homing down the point. And i guess if the family are satisfied with the care they are getting we must just let it be. Agree it a feet to care for her with all the possible/potential complications.

We must appricate when its due


Anonymous said...

Capital letter guy knows only one thing. To shout the top of the voice.

No one has released confidential data here. It is a must for the general public to know if a bed is being held and why.

Anonymous said...

i want to talk to the sick person who posted this article here...well he lacks in not only knowledge of medical conditions but he have no are talking about ONE bed? and u want the girl on the bed to be moved OUT!!! well this girl is dying, she probably is counting her last days...and what makes you think that her parents can afford such conditions privately in a room for her?? and if you are so concerned why don't you help her and give her personal care with your own money?!! you people are making such a big deal out of her being there!! if you want more beds in ICU then i guess you must be talking about increasing the space some how or making a second ICU cant remove a patient just because she has to suffer the rest of her life!!! what if this girl is someone of your own? i wonder whether you would still be talking about emptying ONE bed there!! and you are taking this whole thing as a political issue, i can sense it. and you arr NOT concerned about her or about emptying one bed.

Anonymous said...

The point is lets not kill another life who has a better chance than her of living and living a better life than her by not having that bed available.

Anonymous said...

well, i guess then all the beds in icu need to b vacated..there is ur great gradn father..there is ur granma...hey who needs old brats to live..n to take the burden of caring for them..well well..hats OFF to all who really need that 1 bed in icu getting admit ur elderly a shame. to remove a young life. i dare all of u..just go n do it ur self.remove the breathing machine..n kill her..HAS ANYONE GOT GUTS HERE. well we'll see. the staff of igmh or icu r not goin to do y dont u guys go n do that..n get the bed vacated for ur self..i'm dying to c the results.

Anonymous said...

death is destiniy darlings..whether u r in icu or out of icu. who r igmh staff to hold on to ppl life...ur mind is so small. get out in to the real world n open ur mind guys..well, if a doctor or a nurse can STOP death from occuring..WOW..i wanna b one no, let me correct it..i'll b both..hehe..n i will advocate everyone to become doctors n nurses..RIGHT U MORONS

Anonymous said...

One day it will happen. Believe me or not one day it will eventually happen.

Anonymous said...

This case is generating such heated debate and emotions. It's high time we discussed the ethical and moral dilemmas that cases like these present. I hope someone enlightens me on the following.

How do doctors in Maldives deal with end of life issues?.. What are the chances for Aisha's recovery?.. If she has no reasonable chances of recovery, should she be told about it it?.. Is it justifiable to divert a disproportionately large amount of the limited resources to one patient at the risk of losing many others?.. What should be the best course of action, if she wishes to have life support withdrawn, assuming that she has the capacity to make an informed decision and can communicate it?.. Does withdrawal of life support in terminally ill patients who have no reasonable quality of life amount to killing?..

Anonymous said...

Sorry to go a little off tract here but the last anony started me thinking. Why arent we having any doctirs in the parlimant in the form of elected or appointed members. As a result we dont have any laws related to medical. Laws regarding declarration of death, brain dead, discontinuing artificial support, medical termination of pregnancy, blood transfusion, organ transplantation, examination of patient in medico legal cases, giving witness as expert witness, professional secrecy etc. We are so behind and waiting for something to happen before making a law retro-actively.

Its time we bring out some kinda of sonsumer law to doctors so that bith the patients right and the doctors right get protected. As long as this want happen we wil keep on hearing a disgruntled patient manhandling a doctor here and there casue they have no avenue for their grief.

We must agree a doctor based body from IGMH is not the ideal commitee to investigate issues of allegation of malpractice by IGMH doctors. Lets make this independent, involve independent people and other private doctiors from other sectors eg ADK etc.

Lets bring in some transparency


Anonymous said...


To bring about the kind of an investigative committee is far .

Talking about transparency? eh...

Look at you.. anonymous coward just like me . eh...

First thing first. We need to acknowledge that there is a massive problem.

Anonymous said...

lol, this is so funny, how can anyone withdraw ventilator from that girl, she isnt brain dead.
she is very much alive concious, though she cannot move or breath.
If she has pain she tells, she cries etc.
And u guys are discussing about killing the poor girl.. tsk tsk
And anyways, why are all after her life, let her live peacefully, in whatever condition she is.

Anonymous said...

What ever said and done removing life support from someone who is not declared brain dead amounts to murder, ethically and legally....

I wonder how many of you doctors can really do it?

So lets not discuss this issue anymore and instead pray for the recovery of the girl as a mean of getting this "much valuable life saving" ICU bed...



Anonymous said...

Hi well that girl is doing really well and thanks once again to the nurses in ICU/Dr Nazeem well some maldivain doctors are really caring and good persons and some are so bad that even their juniors dont respect them and say FUCK U to them,this is becuz they dont deserve respect ,how ccan a young doctor working in Igmh look at this doctors the fuck u type and be inspired by them,because waht they see is total lack of ethics in these guys,and these guys have super scanners in their eyes they can know about the pt just by passing the beds of these poor welfare pts and for the rich pt they ready to put their fingers in their ass so first the government should suspend these fuck u type doctors and send them to remote islands for atleast 3months in yr as compulsory governmant service.

Anonymous said...

saabahey thi kudhin thi kuraa hivvarah.

Anonymous said...

hahaha ..

Anonymous said...

i wonder if this was what MMW wanted, when they posted this article in the first place..
how can some of u say that igmh should take aisha off the vent...well those who are living in one room apts with 10 or more ppl, why not go and throttle one of them so that there's more space for u and the other's who are living there...

oh wait.. u'd call that murder won't u.. well it'd be the same thing if they take asiah off the vent... IT WOULD BE MURDER..

what was ur intention MMW, when u posted this article?
did u want half the public to despise her for having a bed for three years?
just count and see how many negaticve comments have come her way and how many ppl wished for her death..

who are v to decide who lives and who dies... certainly not u...

so bugg off all of u who wanna be murderes...

and by the way it's not only Dr Nazeem who takes her best interest in heart.. what about Dr Migdad?

Anonymous said...

dr midad is very anti governmant well all he does is talk talk talk talk

Anonymous said...

Lets not judge a doctor by his poliyical views ...


Anonymous said...

being ani government has nothing to do with taking care of ur patients... if u think everythings about politics... go bash ur head on some MPs house or or the presidents palace walls...

Anonymous said...

migdad was just a big mouth nothing else

Anonymous said...

unfortunately i dont think the last anony who put in his 50 cents doesnt seem to know migdad. maybe here commenting for the sake of it. yes migdad has a mouth.. but along with that unlike rest of ppl here with lot of things to say and nothing to do mighdad was a hard working person. did more than 150% of waht was asked of him and knew what he was doing. so if there is any problemsd with him go and sort it out with him.. dont malign few of the good people around.

Anonymous said...

u r totally true last anony..
some ppl just like to bad mouth just about every one and everything..
migdad is one of the really good doctors who won't take shit from others and who really cares about his pateints..
i wish there were more like him in IGMH.. v surely could do with a lil bit more of him in others...

Anonymous said...

Looks like this site is being used for personal promotions and discrediting certain docs for personal reason.

Typical of our mentality.. This sucks


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

i know aisha, not much.. but two or three days i visited her.. i heard about her from a nurse who was very closed to her.. i first went on her 20th birthday, i went with the nurse to wish her, first i was amazed of the colorful hanging bells. and saw her laying on the bed. her eyes were moving.. she only talks with her eyes where she cant move any other part of her body. so i spent a lill time with her. the other day i went with my mom. bought her some flowers, a perfume and a haging bell. iwas really happy to know that she liked my gifts. she had a party that week with her family. and took pictures, where she was nicely dressed. after my last visit on her birthday, next visit was after a long time i guess. nurse said she loves to have heena on her hand. so i drew some desings with heena on her hand. and that was nicely printed on her smooth fair hands.
after that i couldnt go.. i do think about her every now and then.. but i didnt visit her after that..

but now she is no more. inshallah bless her soul. she was a very brave girl. she live 03 yrs on the artificial machine cause of her braveness.she never did lose her hope. i wish that i could have visited her more often. i now regret that. as soon as i heard that she is gone.. i went to saharaa, was there untill she was buried. it felt very bad. full icu team will surely miss her.. specially the nurses who have been very closed to her. we should all remember her in our hearts for ever. she should be remembered, her braveness and the confidence she had must be remembered.
god bless her, i miss you girl

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Anonymous said...

I am glad you said that??


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