Food poisoning at IGMH update

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The catering was in fact provided by Buru Catering Services. This has been confirmed to us by staff at the catering service. We apologize to Brothers Catering for having mentioned their name in our previous post.

Most of the doctors who were admitted for IV fluids have been discharged home now and only 2 are reportedly still getting treatment at IGMH. They are also expected to improve and leave for home by late evening today.

A source within Maldives Food and Drug Authority, speaking on condition of anonymity has confirmed that food samples have been received at their lab and that tests are underway. A rice preparation, a chocolate flavoured desert pudding and a beef preparation are reportedly the most likely to be the offending food. She told us that the tests are likely to take 24 to 48 hours to reveal full results.

The matter was apparently brought to their attention by Dr Ashraf himself, Buru Catering and some doctors from IGMH who were themselves affected.


Anonymous said...

Once again your inaccurate reporting is highlighted here when you pointed the finger at Brothers catering without checking the accuracy of what you write.At least you apologised this time.It was also totally unnecessary to mention Ashrafs second marriage while reporting on this incidence.
This itself shows the gossipy nature of what you write.

venus said...

Oh you still dont know this is a gossip blog?

Anonymous said...

The site is too hard to read due to the white text on a black blackground. Please consider changing it.

Anonymous said...

yes. very hard to read.

virionx said...


Someone told me that you(MMW) dont update and follow up your previous articles becasue on further evaluation and investigation most of your information turns out to be inaccurate.

Is that so?

virionx said...

MMW seesm to have gone into hiberation. Probably nothing juicy to report in the update.....You can read the update on this food poinsning in local news haveeru.

Anonymous said...

all the docs maruveetha food poison vegen?

Anonymous said...

isnt that wat this MMW wanted?..

Anonymous said...

I am a maldivian physcian, who worked in IGMH. Discussing about qualifications, Dr Azeez only just completed both part of MRCP exam but "never" completed 8 years of consultant training which is required according to GMC. He seems to act as though he is the most qualified.

Anonymous said...

kekekeke... isn't that what all the docs do? and who's there to stop u guys when u guys are sitting on the top chairs... to make all the big decision concerning u....

Anonymous said...

it's not good pointing ur fingers at all the doctors saying that they do the same, (last anonymous) think about it before saying something! There are very dedicated, professional doctors who are working at IGMH i must say! so please do not say that all doctors are the same!

Anonymous said...

im sorry, not the last anonymous but the one who posted before me (airhead)!

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